Hello there! Somehow you seemed to have
stumbled onto my tiny fragment of the internet – so welcome!
I started this blog a couple of months
ago with the intention of inflicting my thoughts and opinions on the world on a
regular basis, but for whatever reason I’ve kept putting it off until now. I
started following several blogs last year on the recommendation of my lovely
friend Hev (whose blog is right here), and decided that once I’d finished uni I’d
give it a whirl myself. So finally, here it is, my first blog post!
Just so you know a little about this
random rambler, I’m a 21 year old Northern girl who recently waved goodbye to
her little uni life in Chester and moved back in with the parents just outside
Manchester. Now having a journalism degree under my belt but almost no work
experience, I’ve found myself on a permanent job hunt interrupted only by the
occasional outing with friends and incessant watching of Keeping Up With The
Kardashians or any other TV series I can watch online that I haven’t already
In an ideal world, at some point I
would land myself a dreamy job – I have ambitions to somehow get myself on a
traineeship to become an assistant buyer or merchandiser for a retailer, or the
ultimate dream would be to find myself a cosy little corner of the Beauty PR
world. But for now my main aims are to get out from under my parents feet and
potentially move in with the boyfriend in lovely Edinburgh, and finding a job
that earns enough for me to live.
This blog will most likely include my
ideas and opinions on fashion and beauty, the occasional rant update on
whatever happens to be going on in my life and possibly a few other bits and
bobs thrown in for good measure.
If you've just read all that, give
yourself a large pat on the back, and thank you!
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